HUNDUN (2022)
InstallationWood, wooden clothhangers, suit. Size 250x110cm.
Hundun is a faceless being representing primal and fertile chaos in the Daoist tale of the Zhuangzi. Its story implies themes such as the relationship between society and the individual, the tendency of the majority to uniformise against those who are different from them. The fact that the originally amorphous shape of the mythological creature is being reduced to an anthropomorphic figure by a tight suit as a classic type of uniform points out ironically the narrowing of individuality and creative potential as well as the absurdity of ignoring non-human perspectives.
Several clothes hangers bear the label VOR, an abbreviation standing for Red October Garment Factory. The factory of the Hungarian socialist era is not just historically interesting: the socialist work ethos, the glorification of over-achievement and the notion of accumulation in the installation provide an opportunity to reflect on the unsustainability of our consumer culture as well.
2024.02.27-03.21. K11 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary.
Curator: Noémi Viski
Photos by Dániel Gaál

Curator: Gábor Pintér